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Other payment method includes all those methods that are not included in the Engage system. Any organisation that wants to use other payment methods should add them in the Other section of Payments.

Click on Admin in the header menu, Giving and then Payment Methods from the side menu. To add any other payment method, click Add payment method and select Other. Choose the country, that is set to United Kingdom as default and select the payment provider from the dropdown as other.

Add the following information for the specific fields.

NameName of the payment provider i.e. Other.
Receipt book numberBook number as hidden, optional or required.
Received byName of receiver as hidden, optional or required.
Minimum amountMinimum amount to be paid via the payment provider i.e. pound 1.
Requires BankingTickmark if the payment method requires banking or not.
Accessible to/restrict rolesUsers that can access the payment provider i.e. Admin or Finance manager.
Allowed currenciesThe currency used in the payment provider e.g. GBP or USD.
Custom FieldsAny additional field for the payment provider as hidden, optional or required.

Other Payment method