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Who can use this feature?

The main Product Owners along with the members having Admin Roles access granted.

Reports are a structured presentation of data and information that provide insights into various aspects of product activities, customer interactions, and performance metrics. In Engage, some default reports are added in the system including:

  1. Income Overview
  2. Regular Giving Overview
  3. Sponsorship Overview

You, as an admin user, can add various different custom reports. Click on Admin in the header menu, Analytics and then Reports from the side menu. On the Reports screen, click the + Add Custom Report, name the report, write its description, choose the report category, upload any report sample file in .pbix format and select OK.

All reports when added appear in the form of a list with parameters:

  1. Name
  2. Type
  3. Category
  4. Updated At

Reporting period Gif