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Emails Dashboard

In Engage, emails can be sent to respective donors manually via outboxes or automatically via the action and trigger mechanism regarding any specific purpose e.g. updating contact preferences, sponsoring an orphan or payment plan expiry. Each email sent to a donor can be seen in the Manage All Emails section, also known as the Emails dashboard.

1. To land onto the Manage All Emails screen, click Communications in the top menu bar and then Manage All Emails in the quick navigation section.

Land onto Call Center screen gif

2. Observe existing sent emails with different parameters in response to different actions in the form of a list.

ReferenceThe unique identification number of each email.
Dispatched AtThe date and time of sending the email.
SenderThe name of the sender sending the email.
RecipientsThe person receiving the email.
SubjectThe one liner subject of the email.
StatusThe status of whether the email has been sent or not.

Emails list

3. You can also view each email in detail via clicking on the reference number.

Observing email in detail gif

4. Emails with the status sent have been successfully send to the recipients but, emails showing a status of not sent or template error can be retried by first clicking the down arrow at the end of each row and then retry.

Searching an Email

You can also search for an email in the list using the Filters panel on the left.

1. Expand Filters on the left to search for the exact email. Click the "+" icon next to Search Criteria and specify any parameter defined in the table.

Search ParametersDescription
StatusSelect the status of the email.
ReferenceInput reference number of an email.
SenderInput sender's email address.
Email SubjectInput subject of the email sent.
RecipientInput recipient's email address.
Dispatched AtInput the From date or To date at which the email was sent.

Search email via Filters gif

2. Click the Search button and the results are loaded one page at a time on the right. Use a Load More button at the bottom of the result list to get further results.

  • You can specify either From Date or To Date and do not need to specify both via the date filter.
  • If you wish to remove the search input for all parameters and start all over again, use the Reset All option.