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Create Templates in an Outbox

The outboxes dashboard contains templates for email, PDF and SMS which you can use and send to different accounts. To create a new template, pick up any outbox and click the + New Template option. Then, select whether you want to create an email, document or SMS template. Each template, defined separately in each table, have their own respective parameters to be filled up.

Click new template

New Email Template

NamePrimary name of an email.
LayoutFormat of an email.
Template ModelsThe model used in the template.
CategoryPreference by which the communication would be sent.
SubjectA one-liner subject of the email template.
Sender NameEmail senders name.
Sender EmailSenders email address.
Style SheetsThe style sheet used for email template.
Email BodyBody of the email.
Media Assets and File AttachmentsAny media or other file to be attached with the email.
NotesAny extra notes added in the email template.

New Document Template

NamePrimary name of a document.
FilenameName of the generated PDF file.
Document TitleThe title of the document.
Document AuthorPerson who wrote the document.
LayoutFormat of an email.
Template ModelsThe model used in the template.
CategoryPreference by which the communication would be sent.
Print QueueThe queue type for batch print processing.
Style SheetsThe style sheet used for email template.
StationaryItem used for PDF documents.
Collation OrderA number to control sequence of documents for batch processing.
PrologueOpening of PDF document. You can also add a prologue with the + Add Prologue option.
EpilogueEnding of PDF document. You can also add an epilogue with the + Add Epilogue option.
PDF BodyBody of the document.
Media Assets and File AttachmentsAny media or other file to be attached with the email.
NotesAny extra notes added in the email template.

New SMS Template

NamePrimary name of the SMS.
LayoutFormat of the SMS.
Template ModelsThe model used in the template.
CategoryPreference by which the communication would be sent.
SenderSMS senders name.
BodyBody of the SMS. You can also preview the SMS via the Preview button.
NotesAny extra notes added in the SMS template.