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Outboxes Dashboard

In Engage, an outbox is used for sending ad-hoc correspondence (email, SMS, or document) to an account. For example, a payment delivery is failed, or a sponsorship is due for renewal. These correspondences can be sent via two ways:

  1. To one account at a time manually
  2. To different accounts automatically for a similar purpose in bulk via lists

To add an outbox and its functionality, ask your system administrator to that for you.

You can view existing outboxes representing different entities such as sponsorships or feedbacks in the Outboxes screen, also known as the Outboxes dashboard. For example, all emails, documents or SMS related to sponsorships will be handled under the Sponsorship Outbox.

1. To land onto the Outboxes screen, click Communications in the top menu bar and then Outboxes in the quick navigation section.

Land onto Outboxes screen gif

2. Each outbox includes two tabs, Templates and Sent Items.

  • Templates include all created documents (emails, PDF, SMS) that need to be sent to the donor in the form of a list.
  • Sent Items includes all the documents that were successfully sent to the respective donors. You can also select the time period during which the documents were sent to respective accounts e.g. last 7 days, last 30 days or all time.

You can use the toggle button on the right-hand to switch between different templates.

The table defined below shows the different parameters for created documents.

ReferenceUnique identification number of a template.
Template NameName of a template.
TypeType of template used.
Created ByUser who created a template.
NotesAny notes added in the template.

Outboxes information