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Downloading a List

You can download any existing or newly created lists in the form of CSV or Excel files.

1. On the lists dashboard, click the down arrow at the end of a list row under any folder and click Download.

Click download list

2. Select whether to download as CSV or Excel and click Next.

Select csv or excel

3. Choose the fields that you export in your downloaded file or tickmark Select All and select Next.

Choose fields

4. Lastly, choose whether you want the downloaded file to have password protection as yes or no. If yes, then set the password and click Export. This option is only available for downloading Excel files.

Password protect file

View All Downloaded Files

As soon as a list is downloaded, you can view it in the Downloads section. On the lists dashboard, click the downloads icon in the quick access bar to view all the downloads in the form of a table.


You can also download again from Downloads screen, click the Download XLSX or Download CSV for any list.

Lists ParametersDescription
ReferenceReference number of the downloaded file.
List NameName of the list downloaded.
TypeType of the list downloaded.
Downloaded CreatedDate and time the list was dowloaded.
Created byName of user who downloaded the file.
ItemsNumber of records in a downloaded file.
File TypeType of file downloaded.
Downloaded byLogo of user who downloaded the file.

Downloaded files list

View Downloaded Files for a Particular List

You can also see a list of downloads done for a particular list. On the lists dashboard, click the list reference or Edit option and select All List Downloads. You will see a table of downloaded files including:

  1. List Type
  2. Date and time of download
  3. List created by
  4. Number of items in the list
  5. Download file type

To make a new download for the list again, click New Download and follow the same process explained above.

downloads for a particular list