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Fund Dimensions

Fund dimensions are an integral part within Engage and allow you to categorize and manage funds or donations according to pre-defined dimension criteria.

  • Fund dimensions are configured and managed by your system administrator.
  • While adding a donation item, there is a separate section for allocating fund dimensions to it.
  • In some cases, Engage pre-sets certain dimensions during the onboarding process, but they can be modified as per necessary.

Adding Fund dimensions in Engage

Fund dimensions in Engage have two different options which are:

  1. Restricted Options: Restricted options refers to adding options to assign funds (donation items) to various specific purposes.
  2. Unrestricted Options: Unrestricted options means adding a general option for funds that are not restricted to any of the options mentioned in the restricted area.
  • Removing or changing fund dimensions will result in certain donation items not working (if they are linked to a fund dimension).
  • A fund dimension remains inactive and cannot be used until restricted options have been added and activated from the option's menu.

You can ask your system administrator to add fund dimensions for you before adding a donation item. Fund dimensions may include location, theme, stipulation etc. and can be activated or deactivated according to their usage.

While making a single or regular giving donation, fund dimensions are added after selecting a donation item in the Fund area of the Allocations section. All fund dimensions added by your system administrator appear in the same order while adding a fund.

Fund in Allocations section