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Cancel Existing Pledge

In Engage, you can cancel any existing pledge. Cancellation can occur due to many reasons e.g. an account that created a certain pledge got closed, the pledger had some financial issues or unanticipated events occurred like emergencies etc.

To cancel a pledge, follow the steps.

1. View an existing pledge from an account's giving profile by clicking the pen icon or search for an existing pledge and click its reference.

Search pledge Gif

2. On the top left-hand side, click the three dots (...) and select Cancel Pledge.


Pledges with status complete cannot be cancelled.

Select cancel

3. An Are you sure to cancel this pledge screen pops-up which will end the current pledge. Choose any cancellation reason from the drop-down, add any extra notes, choose whether to transfer the donation amount of this pledge to another pledge as yes or no and click OK.


If you choose yes, a search pledge screen pops up with a list of all existing pledges. Choose any pledge to transfer the amount to and that pledge reference will appear on the cancel pledge screen.

Cancel pledge screen