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Donating to a Pledge

In Engage, a donor can donate towards a specific pledge anytime after its creation. This donation can be both single or regular giving. To learn more about donations, refer to the Donations Documentation.

To make a donation towards a pledge, follow the steps defined.

1. View an existing pledge from an account's giving profile by clicking the pen icon or search for an existing pledge and click the Donate to this Pledge option.

Donate to a Pledge

2. The Allocations section will be prepopulated with a small clickable note, Towards Pledge - Pledge Reference, leading to the detailed actual pledge. You can add allocations like funds, sponsorships or feedbacks as required.

  • If an allocation was added while creating the pledge, then it will appear in the Allocations section, while donating.
  • You can also hover over the clickable note to view the minimal information of the pledge including the account that created the pledge, pledge reference and amount allocated to pledge etc.

Allocations section

  1. The total amount would be the amount donated and shown at the end of the Allocations section. Click Save and Continue to Payment and pay via the payment methods available in the Payments section. Select the payment type, enter the required details and click Enter donation.
  • Pledges created with advance allocated payments will have that amount deducted from the pledge payment when making a donation and are considered with status complete when the all amount allocated has been donated.
  • To read more on how to make payments, go to Payment Types and Methods Documentation.