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Create an Anonymous Donation

To create an anonymous donation, follow the steps defined.

  1. On the Giving dashboard, in the quick navigation box, click Enter Donation or use the Create button to enter a donation.

enter anonymous donation dashboard

  1. Click the Choose Account search bar and select Make an anonymous donation. Only single donations can be processed as anonymous.

anonymous donation screen

  1. Choose the currency as GBP or USD. In the Allocations section, specify where you want to make a donation for e.g. towards an existing beneficiary. As a result, you will refer to the exact program or scheme where you want your donation to be allocated to.
  • If you want to switch from single to regular donation, then allocations already allocated to one donation type will not be transferable to the other.
  • You can define more than one allocation for a single donation.
  • Each sum of donated money from a single allocation will be totaled and shown as Total Amount.
  • You need to complete the allocation's section before proceeding to payment section.
  • Donation items, including their pricing rules, fund dimensions and fundraisers are added and managed by your system administrator.
  • Sponsorship and feedback options appear in the allocation's section for those accounts which already have created sponsorships and feedbacks before.

Allocations section

Look at the table below for the different defined allocations which you can make.

Allocation TypesFunctionality
FundFunds in Engage are called donation items. You can select any donation item, a program, event or campaign, and its fund dimensions including location, theme etc.
PledgeTo add an allocation as a pledge, select the Pledge option which opens a Search Pledges pop-up screen. Filter and specify to search a pledge or choose any existing pledge from the list. Pledges containing one or more allocations unavailable to any type of giving will appear blur. Once a pledge is choosen, it appears as Towards Pledge - reference number in the allocations section.
SponsorshipTo add an allocation as a sponsorship, click the down arrow to either create a new sponsorship or donate to an existing one.
FeedbackTo add an allocation as a sponsorship, click the down arrow to either create a new feedback or donate to an existing one.
  1. Select the Donation Date (only for single donation), Fundraiser and click Save & Continue to Payment.

  2. Lastly in the Payments section, you can select any payment method including bank transfer, card, cash & cheque etc. Each method is clickable and includes different fields to be covered. As soon as payment is completed, click Enter Donation.

  • Payment methods are added and managed by your system administrator.
  • You can donate either in Full Amount or Other Amount for single donations, which can be entered in the emerged Amount text box.
  • Single donations can be paid with all the payment methods available.
  • Donations whose payment has not been completed come under the awaiting payment status.
  • You can also save your card details for any next payment by ticking the checkbox Save the card.

Single Donation Payment Methods Gif