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Adding Payments While Making Donations

In Engage, payments are added while making a single donation or regular giving. As soon as an amount for a donation is allocated, there comes a separate Payment section to complete the donation.


Single donations include all the payment types, but regular donations include card and direct debit only.

Single or Anonymous Donations

1. Select any payment type. Each payment type has its own required fields to fill in with Payment date being a similar field. Let us choose Agency Income.

2. Select the Payment Service Provider. This includes all the payment methods that the system administrator has added for you.

3. Input the required fields. For e.g. agency income Givebrite has Givebrite Charge ID, Receipt Book Number and Received by fields.

4. Each payment can be made in full amount or other amount, if needed.

Single donation payment method

Regular Giving

1. Select a payment type, Card or Direct Debit. Both have their own fields to be filled in with direct debit leading to a Gocardless debit external service.

2. Select the Payment Service Provider. This includes all the payment methods that the system administrator has added for you.

3. Input the required fields. For e.g. Card has Cardholder Name, Card Expiry, Number etc.

4. Each payment method has a Regular Payment Options section to be filled up explained in the table below.

Payment GivenPaying the regular donation as annually, monthly, quaterly or weekly.
Usual Collection DateWhich day of the month should payments ordinarily be taken.
First Payment DateThe very first payment may be taken on a different day of the month to the usual collection day, if desired.
Enable installment actionsTo generate a correspondence such as a receipt each time a donation is collected.

Regular donation payment method