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Refunds within a CRM refer to the process of reimbursing a donor for a previous payment. It is essential in terms of:

  1. Error Correction: Refunds allow organizations to rectify billing errors or mistakes promptly. This is important for maintaining trust and credibility.

  2. Customer Retention: Managing refunds effectively can lead to improved customer retention. Customers who experience a smooth and fair refund process are more likely to continue doing business with an organization.

  3. Dispute Resolution: Refunds can help resolve disputes and conflicts between organizations/individuals and customers or donors. They provide a mechanism for addressing issues and finding amicable solutions.

Requesting a Refund in Engage

In Engage, an account can make a refund request for a payment made via any payment method.


Refund request is made within Engage and approved in Tally by the system administrator.

  1. Go to the Giving section in an accounts profile menu and scroll down to Records. Select any donation and click its reference number.

You can also search for any existing payment via the advanced search option.

  1. In the Payments section, select any payment and click its reference number. The payment screen will appear.

Select payment

  1. In the Details section, click Options and select Request Refund.

Option request refund

  1. Choose whether you want a full refund or a partial refund. Select the reason, add any notes, and click OK. The Refund status under the "Details" section would show Awaiting Approval.
  • Full refund: The whole amount would be refunded back to the donor.
  • Partial Refund: The amount specified only would be refunded back to the donor.
  • You can also view the refund requested under the Refund tab in the Log section.

Refund request screen

Approving a Refund in Tally

  1. Click on Engage in the top left corner and select Tally.

Click Tally

  1. Click Payments in the navigation menu or Search Payments under quick navigation. Search for the payment whose refund was requested. A simple way is to search via the payment reference.

  2. Open the payment details. You will see a !Refunds, Details and Log section. Ask your system administrator to approve the refund request for you i.e. after selecting a method and adding notes in the Approve Refund Request prompt screen.

  3. As soon as the request is approved, an Approved text would show in the !Refunds section along with a Refunded status in the Details section.

Refund approved


You can also view the logs of the refund processed by clicking Refund in the Logs section.

  1. Click the Donation reference related to the payment refund under the Details section, and view donation details related to the refunded amount, balance and outstanding amount, etc. In case of partial refund, edit the allocation again in the donation details screen, equal to the balance amount i.e. the amount left after the refund.