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Searching Regular Giving

An account can search for all existing regular giving donations separately within Engage via a dedicated advanced search screen. The advanced search option allows you to search for any regular giving with the help of different parameters for e.g. giving reference, status, or payment methods etc.

The advanced search screen is made up of a Filters panel on the left which you can collapse, and a results section on the right.

  1. On the Engage dashboard, click the Search button next to Create. Choose the type of search you wish to perform, in this case, Giving.

Regular giving donations can be searched via the Search Giving option in the quick navigation section of the Giving dashboard as well.

Search Advanced Gif

  1. In the Filters panel, you can modify the search by specifying input parameters accordingly. Click the "+" icon next to each parameter defined in the table below.
  • Credentials under the giving parameter are related to the Card and Direct Debit payments. Each regular giving donated via a card/direct debit includes a different reference number, card number and expiry date.
  • Dates/times under the Created/Updated parameter are relative to the time the user has set on their account.
Parameter TypesDescription
KeywordSpecify any keyword e.g. any existing regular giving reference.
AccountSpecify whether account is anonymous or provide the account reference or name.
GivingInput the giving reference, credential reference/expiry, amount of regular giving made, giving status or the payment method used.
CommitmentInput the regular payment options including frequency (annually, quarterly etc.), collection date and day.
Created/UpdatedSpecify created by (account name) or only the From Date or the To Date and do not need to specify both. For example, From Date: 1 hour ago with To Date: nothing would show regular giving made in the last hour only. You can also input the time at which the donation was entered.
Imported/MatchedInput the user that imported the donation into the CRM or the imported date or time for the donation. You do not need to specify both.

filters section

  1. Click the Search button and the results are loaded "one page" at a time on the right. Use a Load More button at the bottom of the result list to get further results

If you wish to remove the search input for all parameters and start all over again, use the Reset All option.