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Call Center

The next document type to understand under Content in the section menu is Call Center. The call center functionality offers a seamless donor care solution, empowering charities to efficiently manage all aspects of your call campaigns.

Similar to this extensive feature in Engage, you can also find it in Engage Forms. Engage forms allow you to:

  1. Easily create separate folders for agents working in different time zones like UK, or Pakistan.
  2. Create calling summaries from and to a certain time period.
  3. Get free from the hassle to wait for downloading of huge calling lists.
  4. Obtain the calling list Excel sheet as soon as downloading is completed in seconds.
  5. Get notified via email about the completion of the export of a calling summary.

Create a Calling Summary

The calling summary in Engage forms is basically a record of multiple statistics related to agents calling different donors via call center in Engage. These statistics include:

  • Call begin and end at date + time
  • Call reference
  • Call duration
  • Call status
  • Income raised during the call, etc.

To create a calling summary:

1. Click Engage on the main dashboard and navigate to Engage Forms.

click engage forms

2. Click Create Call Centre Subscription and create a folder for the time zone the agents are working in.

create a folder

3. Open the folder and click Create Calling Summary to export a list of all the calls made.

4. In the General tab, name the calling summary, specify the date and time in the From and To section and input the email to update the donor as soon as the export is complete. Click Save and Publish. The Criteria tab includes the json code for all the fields included in a calling summary.

create calling summary


To only save your work for further changes, click Save and to save your work and view an unpublished version of the website, click Save and Preview. An Umbraco preview of the website will appear.

5. As soon as the calling summary for the specified time period is obtained from Engage, you will see an export in the Exports tab. Click it and download the Excel sheet from the Download option.

click download

6. The Excel sheet includes a summary at the top mentioning total calls, calls completed, etc. and a table of all the calls conducted by agents along with their descriptions like Call reference, direction, begun and end at, etc.

show excel sheet