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Donation Income Overview

The donation income overview report provides an overview of the amount, source and characteristics of donation income raised from single, regular or scheduled donations. To land onto Donation Income Analysis, click Analytics in the top menu bar and then Analysis. Under the Giving section, select Donation Income Overview.

Land onto the donation overview report

The Donation Income Analysis screen is made up of a collapsable Filters panel on the left, that allows you to set the search criteria and show the results in the form of a report on the right.

Search via Filters Panel

In the Filters panel, you can modify your search by specifying input in multiple parameters defined below. Click the "+" icon next to each parameter and search accordingly.

Date RangeThe time period during which the donations were made. You can choose any date range from the drop-down e.g. last 7 days or this year.
IncomeType of donations from where the donation income is coming from. You can choose the donation type and input any new donation income coming in as yes, no or all.
AccountType of account and its related country that made the donation.
AllocationType of allocation and its related donation item, location, theme and stipulation. Choose any from the drop-down's related to each.
AttributionType of attribution channels and their related Ad campaigns.

Click the Search button and results are loaded in the form of an Excel sheet with different tabs: Summary, Attribution Channels including all channels saved and Data. You can also download the whole donation income report with the Download option at the bottom.

Filters panel


The summary tab displays the donation income separately by type and top donation items. It shows total and average value of income and the number of times a donation was made for your particular search.

Summary tab

Attribution Channel and its Dimensions

The attribution channel and its dimensions tabs (fundraiser, department, event) contains donations according to their donation reference, date, time, amount, donation item and payment method etc. Other parameters can be viewed in the report itself.

Attributions tab


The data tab includes data about all donations made according to their date, time, amount, payment method, allocation type, donation items, attribution values, etc.

Data tab