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Quick Overview

Feedbacks are special projects that require feedback being given to the donor right after its completion. In Engage, donors can make donations in support of these projects e.g. water wells or building a classroom. Creating a feedback is just half of the process. The other half is to let the person responsible for the project know that the feedback has been created and ready for implementation, known as feedback instruction.

Whenever a donor makes a donation under a certain amount for any project in Engage, feedback instruction notifies the person responsible for the project to officially get started with it. That person can add images or any other information regarding the project and Engage can compile that up as a report or PDF and send it back to the donor.

Feedback instruction is done using the following steps, with each step explained in detail under their respective sections.

  1. Create a project in Umbraco under feedbacks
  2. Make a donation towards any feedback in Engage
  3. Perform feedback instruction for the feedback in Umbraco and send reports to donors