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Sponsorship within a CRM refers to the process of managing and nurturing relationships with sponsors or benefactors. Sponsors are individuals or organizations that provide financial or other support to a cause or event. CRM assists in effectively managing these sponsor relationships and interactions.

Sponsorships are considered important for many reasons including:

  • Efficient Management: CRM streamlines the management of sponsor relationships, making it easier to track, communicate, and engage with sponsors effectively.

  • Enhanced Communication: Tailored communication through CRM strengthens sponsor engagement, leading to more meaningful and long-lasting relationships.

  • Improved Sponsor Satisfaction: Understanding sponsor preferences and interactions helps in meeting their expectations, ensuring their satisfaction with the sponsorship experience.

Sponsorships in Engage

In Engage, the sponsorship module is a custom-built component which allows an organization to manage one-to-one donor/sponsor (individual or organization) and beneficiary relations including sponsoring orphans, children, families etc. To make this module work, Engage creates relationships between a specific donor and a beneficiary. For example, a donor named 'Phoebe Lewis' can sponsor a child 'Mohammad Zayan' from country 'Yemen' and thereby create a relationship.

As a result, payments and donations can be allocated to this relationship. Also, specific tasks or profiles can be created along with the implementation of a number of other actions.

The sponsorship module involves two main systems, one Engage and the other Umbraco. Engage stores the relationship between the sponsor/donor and the beneficiary along with other functionalities such as payments and donations whereas Umbraco is a stand-alone content management system (CMS) which stores the actual data of the beneficiaries in the form of Forms. This ensures the separation of the donor and beneficiary data and reduces any security risk.

Once an organization uploads the beneficiary data on to Umbraco this is automatically synced with Engage allowing the donor to view the relationship and conduct any actions necessary.