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Reserving Sponsorships

Sponsorship reservation applies to the practice of reserving or securing a sponsorship opportunity for a specific beneficiary. Engage allows you to reserve a sponsorship for any beneficiary through Engage Forms.


For any changes saved and published in Engage forms, Engage automatically syncs and pulls the updated information.

Steps to Reserve a Sponsorship

  1. Login to Engage and open Forms by clicking on Engage in the top left corner.


  1. In the Content tab, click on Sponsorships. Different sponsorship programs which already exist in the system and are published, will appear on the right-hand side.

You can also add a new sponsorship program with the Create button under different categories.

Sponsorship Tab

  1. Choose any sponsorship program.

  2. Select any scheme under the program category.


You can also add a new scheme with the Create button.

Select Scheme

  1. Now, under each scheme, select any country and a beneficiary list (list of orphans in this case) will appear which includes name, status and reference of each orphan.

  2. Choose any orphan and view its complete profile under the Profile tab.

  3. In the Reserve tab, choose the existing beneficiary, set the expiry date, input a reason to reserve and add any extra notes. Click Save and publish.

  • To reserve any sponsorship, you do not need any approval.
  • Expiry date refers to the date till which you can sponsor a particular beneficiary.

Reservation Gif